- International arbitration
- Domestic arbitration
- Arbitration-related litigation
- Commercial litigation
- Paris Bar since 2009
- LLM, International arbitration and litigation, University College London
- Master 2 / DJCE International Business Law, Business Law Institut, Université Paul Cézanne (Aix-Marseille III)
- Master 1 International and EU Law, Université Paul Cézanne (Aix-Marseille III)
Julie Spinelli enjoys a strong and recognised expertise in international arbitration. She acts as counsel in domestic or international arbitration proceedings, ad hoc or institutional (ICC, LCIA, ICSID, SCC, CMAP and UNCITRAL), for States as well as French and foreign companies in disputes in the sectors of energy, construction and engineering, aeronautical, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and hospitality.
She also represents clients in annulment, enforcement and arbitration-related court proceedings before French courts.
Julie regularly acts as an arbitrator.
Experience as counsel
Experience in commercial arbitration
- Advising and representing a Dutch company specialised in the construction of steel structures in the context of an ICC arbitration initiated by the largest European company specialised in the steel production relating to allegations of design defects on a tandem mill
- Advising and representing several agents or business partners in arbitration proceedings against European companies in the aeronautical industries (both civil and military) in relation to claims for the wrongful termination of consultant agreements for allegations of corruption
- Advising and representing a French armament company in an ICC arbitration against a Germano-Italian armament company in a commercial dispute governed by French law relating to alleged violations of intellectual property rights arising out of the sale of bomb shells
- Advising and representing a French hotel management company in ad hoc arbitration proceedings against the owner of a hotel in French Polynesia in relation to the wrongful termination of a management contract due to the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis
Experience in investment arbitration
- In her former firm, Julie represented Iranian investors against the Republic of Korea in an UNCITRAL arbitration initiated under the bilateral investment treaty between Iran and Korea in relation to the expropriation of an investment in home appliance industrial company (Mohammad Reza Dayyani, et al. v. The Republic of Korea, PCA Case No. 2015-38) that led to a favourable award for 68 million USD against the Republic of Korea on June 5, 2018
- In her former firm, Julie represented Muhammet Cap & Sehil Inşaat Endustri ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti. against Turkmenistan in an ICSID arbitration initiated pursuant to a bilateral investment treaty in relation to 31 disputed construction projects in Turkmenistan (Muhammet Cap & Sehil Inşaat Endustri ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti. v. Turkmenistan, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/6) (until November 2018)
Experience before national courts
- Advising and representing a Middle-Eastern state in an action to set aside an ICC award rendered against a French equipment manufacturer and industrial assembler, which alleged that the recognition and the enforcement of the award would violate international public policy and where a stay of enforcement was requested
- Advising and representing two Indonesian companies in an action to set aside an ICC award rendered against a European aeronautical group, which alleges that the recognition and enforcement of the award would violate international public policy on account of allegations of corruption and where a stay of enforcement was requested
Experience as arbitrator
- Sole arbitrator in an ICC case between a German and a French company in the biotech sector related to the alleged wrongful termination of a distribution agreement
- Sole arbitrator in an ICC case related to the termination of a distribution agreement between an Italian and a US company in the retail industry, where a number of IP and trademarks issues arose
- Sole arbitrator in a CMAP case related to the alleged wrongful dismissal of a French company director
Relevant activities
- Co-chair of the below-40 organisation of the French Arbitration Committee (Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (CFA-40))
- Founding member of Africarb, a group of young legal professionals with a shared interest in arbitration and Africa
- Member of the arbitration group at the French National Bar Council (CNB),
- Visiting lecturer at the Centre for Mediation and Arbitration of Paris (CMAP)
Recent publications
- France Chapter of the Law Over Borders Comparative Guide Arbitration, The Global Legal Post (with Carl Szymura)
- Chapitre “France”, in The International Comparative Legal Guide to Investor State Arbitration, ICLG 2020 (with Yann Dehaudt-Delville)
- Chapitre “France”, in Getting the Deal Through “Sovereign Immunity”, Lexology 2020 (with Yann Dehaudt-Delville)
- Global Arbitration Review Litigation Know-How – Chapter France
- “L’arbitrage et les petits litiges”, in 3ème édition des Cahiers de l’Arbitrage du Conseil National des Barreaux (with Jean-Robin Costargent)
- “The gathering and taking of evidence under the IBA Guidelines on party representation in international arbitration: civil and common law perspectives” (2014) 8 Dispute Resolution International 37 (with Gisele Stephens-Chu)
- “Bilateral option clause – importance of clear and unequivocal wording”, International Law Office, 2014, (with Elie Kleiman)
- “NML v Argentina: Supreme Court tightens waiver of sovereign immunity test”, International Law Office, 2013 (with Elie Kleiman)
- “Dallah: one test, two different findings”, International Law Office, 2011 (with Elie Kleiman)
- “La réforme du droit de l’arbitrage, sous le double signe de la lisibilité et de l’efficacité”, Gazette du Palais, 2011, n° 26-27, p. 9 (with Elie Kleiman)
- “New arbitration law reform: the market’s verdict”, International Law Office, 2011 (with Elie Kleiman)
- “Long-awaited arbitration law reform finally passed”, International Law Office, 2011 (with Elie Kleiman)
- “La Haute juridiction écarte une nouvelle fois l’application de l’obligation de modérer le dommage en droit français de la responsabilité délictuelle”, Gazette du Palais, 2009, No 84-85, p 10 (with Shaparak Saleh)
Recent conferences
- 4th edition of the seminar « International Arbitration, current perspectives», organised by UIA International Association of Lawyers, Session 2 « New Developments in Investment Arbitration », 27 May 2021
- Webinar « Les actualités de l’arbitrage», MARDis du CMAP, 25 May 2021
- Keynote speech “Why do you need the International Bar Association Rules on the Taking of Evidence?”, Eastern European Foreign Investment Moot Court Competition – EEFI, 20 mai 2021
- Webinar “Arbitrage : Quelle place aujourd’hui pour le Barreau de Paris?», 12 November 2020
- États Généraux de l’Arbitrage, “Connecting points between criminal proceedings and arbitral proceedings», 25 October 2020
- Conference on Allegations or Signs of Corruption in International Disputes, “The Control Of Potential Corruption Issues By State Courts In The Context Of Setting Aside And Enforcement Proceedings”, ICC Tel Aviv Arbitration Days, March 2020